ID Source Species Common name Taxon group Site name Grid ref Date Recorder Images Auto check Sample Time Approx. map reference accuracy term ID Approx. map reference accuracy term Weather conditions term ID Weather conditions term Sea state term ID Sea state term Abundance Count Sex term ID Sex term Seal age term ID Seal age term Behaviour term ID Behaviour term Other behaviour notes
38618320Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalST24/09/2024Rumble, Georgina
17:3014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114101Not recorded14094, 14095Diving, PorpoisingIt would pop it's head up for about 10 seconds, have a look around then dive back under. Amazing!!
38617084Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY24/09/2024townley, stephen
15:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114101Not recorded14091, 14094Hauled out - resting on land/out of water, DivingI was on my kayak and he was looking at me coming close then diving to go behind me. Took video
38589382Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSZ22/09/2024Chick, Malcolm
10:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14092, 14105Feeding, Swimming - travellingMoving slowly, occasionally submerging.
38577956Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY22/09/2024Gallagher, Toni
08:3014088Within 100m14072Raining14074Calm214105Swimming - travelling
38555740Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ20/09/2024Lance, Andy
14:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm214101Not recorded14093Bottling/resting in the water
38519245Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY17/09/2024Hall, Jonathan
19:0014088Within 100m14075Choppy114101Not recordedSwam very close to me and remained in area surfacing regularly.
38411254Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSZ10/09/2024Sheil, Kayleigh
19:3014088Within 100m14072Raining14075Choppy114101Not recorded14098Adult
38323724Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ04/09/2024Mc Donnell, Kevin
18:1014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14092, 14093, 14094, 14105Feeding, Bottling/resting in the water, Diving, Swimming - travellingPaused to watch me swimming, dived, resurfaced to watch me, came a little close as I backed off and exited the water and then it swam away.
38295814Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ1062910403/09/2024Davies, Elizabeth
38258961Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSZ2382927331/08/2024Gale, Emma
15:3014071Cloudy14074Calm214101Not recorded14093Bottling/resting in the water
38254008Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY3408918202/08/2024Rodin, Deborah
06:2014070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14096Pup/juvenileVery inquisitive still towards early morning swimmers…if ignored going to other swimmers
38212756Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY3659929830/08/2024Whitehead, Jo
13:0014070Sunny14074Calm114093Bottling/resting in the waterWatching people swimming and paddle boarding. Hung around for about an hour, seemed to like being around people on paddle boards.
38175836Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ29/08/2024Williams, Donald
14088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterSat on the mooring for almost 3 hours
38126409Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY26/08/2024Guy, Esther
11:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14075Choppy114101Not recorded14098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the waterHe was bobbing along with the current, we could see his head with his nose pointing to the sky. Now and then he would turn his head to look at us on the shore. I walked along the beach as the tide carried him gently towards Portland.
38110658Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY26/08/2024Hogben, Amy
13:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14075Choppy114101Not recorded14098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the waterCouldn't get good enough view to be confident on species! but hung around from around 10am until late afternoon.
38110223Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY3382914626/08/2024Morris, Kate
11:0014070Sunny14075Choppy114101Not recorded14094DivingThe seal was diving off the beach and would pop up occasionally. I just saw its head which at first I thought was a black Labrador dog!
38099255Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY25/08/2024Mason, Laura
19:1014088Within 100m14071Cloudy114101Not recorded14105Swimming - travellingSwimming in relaxed manner, curious and looking over shoulder as it swam
37988116Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY3406918418/08/2024Rodin, Deborah
06:2514071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14096Pup/juvenileAgain when swimming aware something was near me when swimming when I came up for air seal was looking at me between me and sure…I decided to carry on swimming back to sandy bay then noticed the seal ahead of me by the rocks behind my husband who was swimming back to shore…seal then went back to back towards harbour
37987982Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY07/08/2024Rodin, Deborah
06:2014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14094DivingFirst sighting appeared playful …I was swimming crawl and only noticed when coming up for air - stayed near me diving under…I swam to shore and even when on shore it popped it head up to look at me
37950245Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY17/08/2024Hubble, Julie
12:3014089Within 1km14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Showing records 61 to 80 of 616
ID Source Species Formatted name Taxon Group Site name Grid Ref Date Recorder Media Caption Media type Auto check Sample Time Approx. map reference accuracy term ID Approx. map reference accuracy term Weather conditions term ID Weather conditions term Sea state term ID Sea state term Abundance Count Seal age term ID Seal age term Behaviour term ID Behaviour term Other behaviour notes
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.514N, 2.459W06/03/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local10:1514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.530N, 2.437W16/01/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:5014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.530N, 2.437W16/01/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:5014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.517N, 2.449W03/01/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:3514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.517N, 2.449W03/01/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:3514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.519N, 2.447W21/12/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local11:4514088Within 100m14071Cloudy14076Rough114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.519N, 2.447W21/12/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local11:4514088Within 100m14071Cloudy14076Rough114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.515N, 2.460W15/12/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local16:0514089Within 1km14071Cloudy14076Rough114096Pup/juvenile14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.517N, 2.449W30/11/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local15:3514088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.513N, 2.458W09/11/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local16:2014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114098Adult14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.519N, 2.460W03/11/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:1014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.519N, 2.460W03/11/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:1014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.522N, 2.442W06/10/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local12:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114096Pup/juvenile14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.518N, 2.448W05/10/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local14:1014088Within 100m14070Sunny14076Rough114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.518N, 2.448W05/10/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local14:1014088Within 100m14070Sunny14076Rough114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.514N, 2.458W05/10/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:5014088Within 100m14070Sunny14076Rough114096Pup/juvenile14092FeedingEating a large wrasse
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.516N, 2.451W29/09/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local14:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14077Very rough214098Adult14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.515N, 2.455W29/08/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local14:0514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.516N, 2.451W12/08/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local19:3014089Within 1km114098Adult14105Swimming - travelling
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.516N, 2.451W12/08/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local19:3014089Within 1km114098Adult14105Swimming - travelling
first prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 next last
Showing records 1 to 20 of 686
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