ID Source Species Common name Taxon group Site name Grid ref Date Recorder Images Auto check Sample Time Approx. map reference accuracy term ID Approx. map reference accuracy term Weather conditions term ID Weather conditions term Sea state term ID Sea state term Abundance Count Sex term ID Sex term Seal age term ID Seal age term Behaviour term ID Behaviour term Other behaviour notes
22544714Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY8808/10/2021Wellstood, Tristan
14:3014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114098Adult14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterAppeared to be quite young and slim. Hauled out further and turned around to avoid waves, despite people very nearby.
21111009Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY9819/07/2021Giles, Gillian
10:0014089Within 1km14070Sunny14074Calm114094Diving
20305164Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhoca vitulinaCommon Sealmarine mammalSY9859876420/04/2021Price, David
14:3014070Sunny14074Calm414098Adult14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterOne adult of each type plus two pups
20297515Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY4477910328/04/2021Holt, Jane
14071Cloudy14074Calm114091, 14094, 14105Hauled out - resting on land/out of water, Diving, Swimming - travellingThis seal came to within a foot of the shoreline where both myself and my dog were taken by surprise. It was very inquisitive and I thought it was going to come out of the water. I was struggling with my dog and then it swam off on the direction of Charmouth coming up a few more times along the foreshore.
20078986Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ1255911620/03/2021Mullins, Richard
15:3014071Cloudy14074Calm114093Bottling/resting in the waterDark head. 10 feet off the groyne. dark head out of water. Then reappeared passed the next groyne west towards Boscombe pier.
18812423Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSZ1921/01/2021Simmons, Adrian
09:3014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114092, 14105Feeding, Swimming - travellingThe Seal was catching Common Bream where the River Avon flows into the harbour, then drifting downstream while eating, before swimming back for another. I saw it eat 3 one day and 1 on another. It was also seen at Christchurch Quay on either 23/01 or 24/01 with a Salmon.
17743836Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhoca vitulinaCommon Sealmarine mammalSY6730/08/2020Lang, Robin
14089Within 1km14070Sunny14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14093, 14094, 14095Bottling/resting in the water, Diving, PorpoisingFollowed Paddleboard for a short distance
17719167Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY7827/08/2020Sanger, Sarah
11:3014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114105Swimming - travellingHe really surprised us as he came up out of nowhere, he was very playful and friendly but we didn't touch him and came out of the water as soon as possible. I think he liked my wetsuit and was 'headbutting' and nudging me.
15024875Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY4911/07/2020Brooke, Martin
15:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14092FeedingSchool of Whitebait in the area with lots of seagulls feeding.
14390681Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY4922/06/2020Wakefield, Ruth
11:0014089Within 1km14070Sunny14075Choppy114093Bottling/resting in the water
12901389Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ0009889225/02/2020Tinsley, Peter
8019354Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY9828/09/2018Shaw, Martin
18:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14075Choppy114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
7192124Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY3908/07/2018Lodge, Pat
16:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14075Choppy114096Pup/juvenile14105Swimming - travellingCharmouth west beach. Seal kept popping head out of water about 100 feet from human bathers over a period of 20 mins. It disappeared when scuba divers arrived. We took a photo but I m not able to send it on this form in the format I have.
7192119Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY3908/07/2018Lodge, Pat
16:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14075Choppy114096Pup/juvenile14105Swimming - travellingLocation 100 feet or so from beach charmouth west beach. The seal kept popping its head out of the water several times to look at human bathers about 100 feet from it over about 20 minutes. It disappeared when two scuba divers entered the water
7192076Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY3908/07/2018Lodge, Pat
16:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14075Choppy114096Pup/juvenile14105Swimming - travellingLocation 100 feet or so from beach charmouth west beach. The seal kept popping its head out of the water several times to look at human bathers about 100 feet from it over about 20 minutes. It disappeared when two scuba divers entered the water
6893009Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY4906/06/2018Elms, Sarah
19:0514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114092Feeding
first previous 26 27 28 29 30 31 next last
Showing records 601 to 616 of 616
ID Source Species Formatted name Taxon Group Site name Grid Ref Date Recorder Media Caption Media type Auto check Sample Time Approx. map reference accuracy term ID Approx. map reference accuracy term Weather conditions term ID Weather conditions term Sea state term ID Sea state term Abundance Count Seal age term ID Seal age term Behaviour term ID Behaviour term Other behaviour notes
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.514N, 2.459W06/03/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local10:1514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.530N, 2.437W16/01/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:5014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.530N, 2.437W16/01/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:5014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.517N, 2.449W03/01/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:3514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.517N, 2.449W03/01/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:3514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.519N, 2.447W21/12/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local11:4514088Within 100m14071Cloudy14076Rough114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.519N, 2.447W21/12/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local11:4514088Within 100m14071Cloudy14076Rough114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.515N, 2.460W15/12/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local16:0514089Within 1km14071Cloudy14076Rough114096Pup/juvenile14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.517N, 2.449W30/11/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local15:3514088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.513N, 2.458W09/11/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local16:2014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114098Adult14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.519N, 2.460W03/11/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:1014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.519N, 2.460W03/11/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:1014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.522N, 2.442W06/10/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local12:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114096Pup/juvenile14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.518N, 2.448W05/10/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local14:1014088Within 100m14070Sunny14076Rough114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.518N, 2.448W05/10/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local14:1014088Within 100m14070Sunny14076Rough114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.514N, 2.458W05/10/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:5014088Within 100m14070Sunny14076Rough114096Pup/juvenile14092FeedingEating a large wrasse
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.516N, 2.451W29/09/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local14:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14077Very rough214098Adult14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.515N, 2.455W29/08/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local14:0514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.516N, 2.451W12/08/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local19:3014089Within 1km114098Adult14105Swimming - travelling
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.516N, 2.451W12/08/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local19:3014089Within 1km114098Adult14105Swimming - travelling
first prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 next last
Showing records 1 to 20 of 686
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