ID Source Species Common name Taxon group Site name Grid ref Date Recorder Images Auto check Sample Time Approx. map reference accuracy term ID Approx. map reference accuracy term Weather conditions term ID Weather conditions term Sea state term ID Sea state term Abundance Count Sex term ID Sex term Seal age term ID Seal age term Behaviour term ID Behaviour term Other behaviour notes
6624250Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY6710/04/2018Garrett, Colin
16:4014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy214101Not recorded14093Bottling/resting in the waterThe first Seal was within twenty metres of the shore. Stayed there approximately thirty to forty minutes. Another Seal with different markings was sighted further out and stayed in the same place, resting in the water (sometimes submerging) for the duration of us being there.
6675665Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY7712/04/2018Halewood, Jonathan
19:3014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
7057570Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhoca vitulinaCommon Sealmarine mammalSY9430882019/04/2018Adkins, Patrick
13:0014071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
8040723Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhoca vitulinaCommon Sealmarine mammalSY9808/05/2018Hodgson, Sarah
08:5014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm314104Mixed14099Mixed group14091, 14105Hauled out - resting on land/out of water, Swimming - travelling
6894824Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ0818/05/2018Ford, Maggie
20:4514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14105Swimming - travelling
6893009Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY4906/06/2018Elms, Sarah
19:0514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114092Feeding
6964322Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ2916/06/2018Britt, Anthony
13:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14077Very rough114101Not recorded14098Adult14093, 14105Bottling/resting in the water, Swimming - travellingWas travelling westwards along the line of the beach, approx 20m offshore, and seemed to stop at every group of beach fishermen for a few moments, then carry on.
6981072Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY9819/06/2018Morley, Philip
11:0014089Within 1km14071Cloudy14074Calm214101Not recorded
8040841Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY9820/06/2018Hodgson, Sarah
09:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114103Female14098Adult14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterHauled out onto mud at low-tide with a common seal
8040763Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhoca vitulinaCommon Sealmarine mammalSY9820/06/2018Hodgson, Sarah
09:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114102Male14098Adult14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterHauled out onto mud at low tide with a grey seal (recorded separately)
8040961Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY6625/06/2018Hodgson, Sarah
21:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm214104Mixed14098Adult14093, 14105Bottling/resting in the water, Swimming - travellingOne was bottling for a while then they both appeared to head out into Lyme Bay
7051168Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY6788684325/06/2018Elkin, Jennifer
14:3014070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14092FeedingSkinned and ate an eel whilst playing with it
7056961Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ0081868327/06/2018Clark, A
13:0014070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14093Bottling/resting in the water
7167211Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSZ0707/07/2018Tolley, Ben
22:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14093, 14105Bottling/resting in the water, Swimming - travelling
7192124Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY3908/07/2018Lodge, Pat
16:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14075Choppy114096Pup/juvenile14105Swimming - travellingCharmouth west beach. Seal kept popping head out of water about 100 feet from human bathers over a period of 20 mins. It disappeared when scuba divers arrived. We took a photo but I m not able to send it on this form in the format I have.
7192119Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY3908/07/2018Lodge, Pat
16:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14075Choppy114096Pup/juvenile14105Swimming - travellingLocation 100 feet or so from beach charmouth west beach. The seal kept popping its head out of the water several times to look at human bathers about 100 feet from it over about 20 minutes. It disappeared when two scuba divers entered the water
7192076Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY3908/07/2018Lodge, Pat
16:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14075Choppy114096Pup/juvenile14105Swimming - travellingLocation 100 feet or so from beach charmouth west beach. The seal kept popping its head out of the water several times to look at human bathers about 100 feet from it over about 20 minutes. It disappeared when two scuba divers entered the water
7229256Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY4815/07/2018Fox, Sophie
12:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
8041022Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY6616/07/2018Hodgson, Sarah
15:3514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, DivingAppeared to be resting in the water - surfacing and diving in the exact same spot
8041121Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY9820/07/2018Hodgson, Sarah
10:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114103Female14098Adult14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterHauled out onto mud at low tide (with 4 common seals)
first prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 next last
Showing records 1 to 20 of 616
ID Source Species Formatted name Taxon Group Site name Grid Ref Date Recorder Media Caption Media type Auto check Sample Time Approx. map reference accuracy term ID Approx. map reference accuracy term Weather conditions term ID Weather conditions term Sea state term ID Sea state term Abundance Count Seal age term ID Seal age term Behaviour term ID Behaviour term Other behaviour notes
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.712N, 1.893W07/08/2024Dhami, JinniebellImage:Local12:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterWas moving around ..had a cut on head and was eventually taken by environmental agency as they had waited to see if mom would come possibly going to seal sanctuary Cornwall..about a week old .
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.712N, 1.893W07/08/2024Dhami, JinniebellImage:Local12:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterWas moving around ..had a cut on head and was eventually taken by environmental agency as they had waited to see if mom would come possibly going to seal sanctuary Cornwall..about a week old .
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.705N, 2.995W06/08/2024Walker, MattGrey seal? Image:Local13:5514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14092, 14093Feeding, Bottling/resting in the waterIt was moving up and down the beach regularly diving for a few minutes at a time. It would often bob around more then likely keeping an eye on us.
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.697N, 2.727W03/07/2024Winkle, IanImage:Local16:1314088Within 100m14070Sunny114093Bottling/resting in the waterIt appeared much blacker and bulkier than most seals I have been able to compare it with. It spent several minutes always vertical in the position shown apparently breathing through an open mouth before slowly submerging for another few minutes and popping up again a little further (15m) along the coast.
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.697N, 2.727W03/07/2024Winkle, IanUnknown Seal?Image:Local16:1314088Within 100m14070Sunny114093Bottling/resting in the waterIt appeared much blacker and bulkier than most seals I have been able to compare it with. It spent several minutes always vertical in the position shown apparently breathing through an open mouth before slowly submerging for another few minutes and popping up again a little further (15m) along the coast.
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.683N, 1.957W03/08/2024Williams, DonaldImage:Local14088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm214091Hauled out - resting on land/out of water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.683N, 1.957W03/08/2024Williams, DonaldImage:Local14088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm214091Hauled out - resting on land/out of water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.683N, 1.957W03/08/2024Williams, DonaldImage:Local14088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm214091Hauled out - resting on land/out of water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.587N, 2.467W04/07/2024Atherton, AndrewImage:Local21:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114105Swimming - travellingThe Seal followed us for about 15 minutes- it appeared inquisitive about us, and came to within 2 metres of us, on the surface most of the time (it approached us)
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.587N, 2.467W04/07/2024Atherton, AndrewImage:Local21:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114105Swimming - travellingThe Seal followed us for about 15 minutes- it appeared inquisitive about us, and came to within 2 metres of us, on the surface most of the time (it approached us)
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.587N, 2.467W04/07/2024Atherton, AndrewImage:Local21:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114105Swimming - travellingThe Seal followed us for about 15 minutes- it appeared inquisitive about us, and came to within 2 metres of us, on the surface most of the time (it approached us)
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.587N, 2.467W04/07/2024Atherton, AndrewImage:Local21:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114105Swimming - travellingThe Seal followed us for about 15 minutes- it appeared inquisitive about us, and came to within 2 metres of us, on the surface most of the time (it approached us)
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.690N, 1.955W16/07/2024Williams, DonaldImage:Local14088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterJust chilling
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.690N, 1.955W16/07/2024Williams, DonaldImage:Local14088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterJust chilling
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.690N, 1.955W16/07/2024Williams, DonaldImage:Local14088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterJust chilling
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.690N, 1.955W16/07/2024Williams, DonaldImage:Local14088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterJust chilling
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.683N, 1.957W06/07/2024Williams, DonaldHappyImage:Local14088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm2
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.683N, 1.957W06/07/2024Williams, DonaldOn stony island Image:Local14088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm2
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.683N, 1.957W06/07/2024Williams, DonaldAnother Seal swimming inImage:Local14088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm2
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidae | Uncertain seal speciesPhocidae
Uncertain seal species
marine mammal50.593N, 2.063W02/07/2024Hurry, GraemeImage:Local13:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14094DivingDiving, lying on its back.
Showing records 101 to 120 of 686
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Type here to filter then press Tab or Return to apply the filter. Search on Weather conditions term ID - either enter an exact number, use >, >=, <, or <= before the number to filter for Weather conditions term ID more or less than your search value, or enter a range such as 1000-2000.

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Type here to filter then press Tab or Return to apply the filter. Search on Sea state term ID - either enter an exact number, use >, >=, <, or <= before the number to filter for Sea state term ID more or less than your search value, or enter a range such as 1000-2000.

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Type here to filter then press Tab or Return to apply the filter. Search on Sex term ID - either enter an exact number, use >, >=, <, or <= before the number to filter for Sex term ID more or less than your search value, or enter a range such as 1000-2000.

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Type here to filter then press Tab or Return to apply the filter. Search on Weather conditions term ID - either enter an exact number, use >, >=, <, or <= before the number to filter for Weather conditions term ID more or less than your search value, or enter a range such as 1000-2000.

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Type here to filter then press Tab or Return to apply the filter. Search on Sea state term ID - either enter an exact number, use >, >=, <, or <= before the number to filter for Sea state term ID more or less than your search value, or enter a range such as 1000-2000.

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Type here to filter then press Tab or Return to apply the filter. Search on Seal age term ID - either enter an exact number, use >, >=, <, or <= before the number to filter for Seal age term ID more or less than your search value, or enter a range such as 1000-2000.

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