ID Source Species Common name Taxon group Site name Grid ref Date Recorder Images Auto check Sample Time Approx. map reference accuracy term ID Approx. map reference accuracy term Weather conditions term ID Weather conditions term Sea state term ID Sea state term Abundance Count Sex term ID Sex term Seal age term ID Seal age term Behaviour term ID Behaviour term Other behaviour notes
40367437Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ08/03/2025Harle, Amelie
09:1014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14105Swimming - travelling
40289794Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY24/02/2025Bradley, Jack
16:0014089Within 1km14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterSun bathing on a jetski pod. The seal has been hanging out around here with multiple sightings recently.
40139793Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ03/02/2025Liddicoat, Amanda
14:5014088Within 100m14070Sunny14075Choppy114101Not recorded14093Bottling/resting in the water
40139420Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ04/02/2025Mackenzie, Sally
12:4514088Within 100m14071Cloudy14076Rough114101Not recorded14098Adult14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of water
40123992Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ0392845803/02/2025Staff, Rachel
13:0014071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14095, 14105Porpoising, Swimming - travelling
40109633Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY01/02/2025Lavender, Sarah
09:3014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14098AdultNot my photo I was the swimmer. I was oblivious to the seal until I saw people onshore filming and gesticulating behind me. He/she was about 10 m away when I turned to look, Seemed like quite a large seal, dark in colour, quite a long muzzle, so I think it was a Grey. As soon as I swam away and got out of the water it swam off, so it was perhaps checking I wasn’t a threat, or just curious?
40017429Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY18/01/2025Palmer, Karen
11:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114101Not recorded14094, 14105Diving, Swimming - travellingPopped up briefly then disappeared under the water. Travelled along the coast line towards the east
39771136Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY29/12/2024Byrnes, Stephanie
13:3014089Within 1km14071Cloudy14074Calm314099Mixed group14093, 14094, 14105Bottling/resting in the water, Diving, Swimming - travelling
39767558Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY7045745926/12/2024Hale, Alan
09:0014073Mist/fog14074Calm314104Mixed14099Mixed group14091, 14092Hauled out - resting on land/out of water, FeedingCalling out. Barking + a howling-type sound.
39644631Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ0265905311/12/2024Linehan, Natalie
14:3014071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14094DivingI could see the seal in the harbour swimming and then it dived down (I assuming it was fishing)
39180299Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ15/11/2024Burman, Natalie
16:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114092, 14094Feeding, DivingPopping out regularly to say hello and then diving
39063104Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY02/11/2024Penny, Julie
15:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114101Not recorded14098Adult14092, 14094, 14105Feeding, Diving, Swimming - travellingWe saw the seal quite close to the shore swimming, and he /she had caught a fish, he/she was then swimming headed towards charmouth beach We thought that we were seeing things as it was the first time that we had seen a seal there. We wish we had taken a photo or video.
38894522Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ15/10/2024Walker, Kyle
14:3014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14092Feeding
38837683Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSX05/10/2024Thomas, Marilyn
17:4814089Within 1km14071Cloudy14074Calm1
38836608Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ11/10/2024Jones, Caroline
18:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114093, 14105Bottling/resting in the water, Swimming - travelling
38724246Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSZ03/10/2024Bywater, Amelia
16:5114088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterNot close enough to identify species level unfortunately
38664335Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY28/09/2024Dibben, Gordon
14088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14092Feeding
38656671Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY28/09/2024Hernaman, Jennie
13:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
38618320Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalST24/09/2024Rumble, Georgina
17:3014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114101Not recorded14094, 14095Diving, PorpoisingIt would pop it's head up for about 10 seconds, have a look around then dive back under. Amazing!!
38617084Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY24/09/2024townley, stephen
15:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114101Not recorded14091, 14094Hauled out - resting on land/out of water, DivingI was on my kayak and he was looking at me coming close then diving to go behind me. Took video
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Showing records 1 to 20 of 616
ID Source Species Formatted name Taxon Group Site name Grid Ref Date Recorder Media Caption Media type Auto check Sample Time Approx. map reference accuracy term ID Approx. map reference accuracy term Weather conditions term ID Weather conditions term Sea state term ID Sea state term Abundance Count Seal age term ID Seal age term Behaviour term ID Behaviour term Other behaviour notes
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.514N, 2.459W06/03/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local10:1514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.530N, 2.437W16/01/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:5014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.530N, 2.437W16/01/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:5014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.517N, 2.449W03/01/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:3514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.517N, 2.449W03/01/2025Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:3514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.519N, 2.447W21/12/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local11:4514088Within 100m14071Cloudy14076Rough114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.519N, 2.447W21/12/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local11:4514088Within 100m14071Cloudy14076Rough114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.515N, 2.460W15/12/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local16:0514089Within 1km14071Cloudy14076Rough114096Pup/juvenile14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.517N, 2.449W30/11/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local15:3514088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.513N, 2.458W09/11/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local16:2014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114098Adult14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.519N, 2.460W03/11/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:1014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.519N, 2.460W03/11/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:1014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.522N, 2.442W06/10/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local12:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114096Pup/juvenile14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.518N, 2.448W05/10/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local14:1014088Within 100m14070Sunny14076Rough114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.518N, 2.448W05/10/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local14:1014088Within 100m14070Sunny14076Rough114098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the water
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.514N, 2.458W05/10/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local13:5014088Within 100m14070Sunny14076Rough114096Pup/juvenile14092FeedingEating a large wrasse
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.515N, 2.455W29/08/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local14:0514088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14093, 14094Bottling/resting in the water, Diving
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.516N, 2.451W12/08/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local19:3014089Within 1km114098Adult14105Swimming - travelling
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.516N, 2.451W12/08/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local19:3014089Within 1km114098Adult14105Swimming - travelling
Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypus | Grey SealHalichoerus grypus
Grey Seal
marine mammal50.514N, 2.455W02/08/2024Hodgson, SarahImage:Local10:1014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114098Adult14105Swimming - travelling
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Showing records 1 to 20 of 686
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