
ID Source Species Common name Taxon group Site name Grid ref Date Recorder Images Auto check Sample Time Approx. map reference accuracy term ID Approx. map reference accuracy term Weather conditions term ID Weather conditions term Sea state term ID Sea state term Abundance Count Sex term ID Sex term Seal age term ID Seal age term Behaviour term ID Behaviour term Other behaviour notes
17402766Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY7814/08/2020Potts, Haylee
17:3014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14096Pup/juvenile14093Bottling/resting in the waterVery friendly
17417683Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY9715/08/2020Hodgson, Sarah
14:4514088Within 100m14073Mist/fog14074Calm114102Male14098Adult14092, 14093, 14105Feeding, Bottling/resting in the water, Swimming - travellingWas seen to eat a ballan wrasse
17564163Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhoca vitulinaCommon Sealmarine mammalSZ0819/08/2020Westerby, Allen
19:4014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm214103Female14098Adult14093Bottling/resting in the waterThe first seal we saw was about 150 metres away. She looked at us and swam down, reappearing about 50 metres away. We watched for about 10 minutes, with several sightings from 50m to 10m. The other seal, which looked a darker grey stayed at a distance of about 100 - 50m. She surfaced several times, staying at the surface for about 20 - 30 seconds each time.
17564239Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhoca vitulinaCommon Sealmarine mammalSY9820/08/2020Westerby, Allen
19:3014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm214101Not recorded14098Adult14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of waterObserved from about 200m. The tide was flooding and a fair amount of the mudbanks were exposed. The larger seal was lying fairly still, with occasional head raises in the few minutes that we stopped to watch.The other seal was about 5 m away, slightly lower on the bank and was fairly still.
17719167Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY7827/08/2020Sanger, Sarah
11:3014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14075Choppy114105Swimming - travellingHe really surprised us as he came up out of nowhere, he was very playful and friendly but we didn't touch him and came out of the water as soon as possible. I think he liked my wetsuit and was 'headbutting' and nudging me.
17732600Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSZ1928/08/2020Ball, Abigail
20:2814088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14091, 14105Hauled out - resting on land/out of water, Swimming - travellingSwimming then curious so travelled onto land to see myself and my dog. I have a video if needed in addition to the above photos.
17733568Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSZ1929/08/2020Richards, Carl
06:4514088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14091Hauled out - resting on land/out of water
17765260Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSZ1930/08/2020Bennett, Jack
16:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14091, 14105Hauled out - resting on land/out of water, Swimming - travellingSwam up and down shore and then hauled out whilst we were fishing not worried until people crowded and people in boat followed it when returned to the water
17743836Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhoca vitulinaCommon Sealmarine mammalSY6730/08/2020Lang, Robin
14089Within 1km14070Sunny14074Calm114096Pup/juvenile14093, 14094, 14095Bottling/resting in the water, Diving, PorpoisingFollowed Paddleboard for a short distance
17765641Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhoca vitulinaCommon Sealmarine mammalSY9831/08/2020Spiller, Brett
19:0014088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14096Pup/juvenile14092, 14094Feeding, Diving
17788207Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSZ0366834904/09/2020Rose, Phil
19:3014071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14105Swimming - travellingI was rowing an inflatable. Seal was very curious and friendly and swam round and under the boat for about 10 minutes. It popped up several times close by looking right at me and snorting. Swam under the boat back and forth sometimes upside down. It seemed to be playing
17840247Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY9633891513/09/2020Brown, Sara
13:3014070Sunny14074Calm314101Not recorded14094, 14105Diving, Swimming - travelling
17848252Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhoca vitulinaCommon Sealmarine mammalSZ1637923614/09/2020Mayhew, Nikki
18:3014070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14096Pup/juvenile14093Bottling/resting in the water
17846335Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY9914/09/2020Copland, Alison
10:4014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14092, 14093Feeding, Bottling/resting in the water
17861031Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY2815/09/2020ROBERTS, RICHARD
18:3014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm214101Not recorded14098Adult14105Swimming - travelling
18812155Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSZ1924/09/2020Frost, Rosie
14:2014088Within 100m14072Raining14074Calm114101Not recorded14105Swimming - travellingPlayful joined my son swimming alongside him and nibbling a little at his toes which were in Black Sea shoes
17909374Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsPhocidaeUncertain seal speciesmarine mammalSY9559768824/09/2020Johnson, Leigh
17:0014070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14094, 14105Diving, Swimming - travellingRepeatedly dived and then popping up, before diving down again. Started in calm bay before going further into open ocean.
17926377Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY7827/09/2020Prior, David
11:0014088Within 100m14070Sunny14074Calm114101Not recorded14098Adult14092FeedingCatching fish 10 to 15m out from beach below Ringstead village. Came in to about 5m from beach a couple of times. We observed it for approx 10 minutes before it swam off westwards.
17941418Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSZ1930/09/2020Boardman, Peter
09:4514088Within 100m14071Cloudy14074Calm114101Not recorded14105Swimming - travellingSwimming upriver at Wick this morning. Only brief view. We waited for 10 minutes, but we didn't see it resurface
17968140Dorset Seals Project | Seal recordsHalichoerus grypusGrey Sealmarine mammalSY4903/10/2020Jennings, Barbara
10:0014088Within 100m14072Raining14074Calm114103Female14098Adult14094DivingFour of us swimming - she came up and played with us, checking us out and then swimming very close to the only man in our group. She really liked him and came right up and sniffed his arm whilst they were facing each other as well as keeping on nudging him.
Showing records 81 to 100 of 616